6-Channel VCA with master controls for hexaphonic or polyphonic processing
The Hex VCA module consists of six channels of linear VCAs. It uses the Sound Semiconductor SSI2164 chips to provide six independent channels of high fidelity, low noise amplification of audio or CV signals.
Each channel has a dedicated volume level knob that becomes a CV attenuator when the channel CV is present. In addition, a master CV input allows for level control of all six VCAs at once. The master level knob behaves the same as the individual channel level controls.
The individual channel CVs and the master CV are additive, i.e. additional different modulation sources can be applied for unique effects.
Ideal for guitar multi-channel, single-string, or hexaphonic effects processing.
Hand-assembled in the USA.
Six linear VCAs
High fidelity SSI2164 based architecture
Level knobs become attenuators when CV is present
Master level knob and CV control all six VCAs at once
Master level knob becomes attenuator when master CV is present
Gain: silence to 2x amplification
DC coupled inputs
Channel output LEDs provide visual signal level feedback
SynQuaNon Bus audio input, through, and output headers on the back of the module. Input normalled to front panel jacks.
Pairs well with 13-Pin Input Breakout, Hex VU Meter, Hex VCF, Hex Fuzz, Nexus Input Breakout, 13-Pin Output Breakout, and Hex EF-Gate-Trigger.
Technical Specifications:
Width 18 HP
Depth 37 mm
Power 86 mA @ +12V
69 mA @ -12V
0 mA @ +5V
Gain 0-2x for each channel
Reverse power protection, resettable fuses, extensive power supply filtering