My name is Andrew Smith and I'm from Missoula, MT. I grew up in a family of singer-songwriters, I picked up guitar when I was about 13 and started to get more serious around 16 (33 now).
I got into Eurorack a couple of years ago and fell in love with it. I worked at a local brewery for 8 years and booked music there for 6 1/2 of those years.
In October 2023 I was able to shift to working full time as a freelance audio designer and I've been loving it. This was also around the time I purchased my first SynQuaNon module. I stumbled upon SynQuaNon when I was researching different ways to interface guitar with my modular setup.
Peter has helped me immensely in setting up my system for hex guitar. I absolutely see single string processing as the future of guitar and it's very exciting to witness it's growth. That's me!
Here are some video clips I took during the time I was creating his entry:
My contest entry is a song titled Balcony: