In this composition, I set up a rhythmic patch on the demo system and utilized the Cycfi infinity guitar sustainer to allow me to play the Linnstrument with my right hand as I fretted notes with my left hand during some sections. I am also using a SpiderCapo on the guitar.
Patch Notes
I am using 1 LFO from ochd to send to the gate input of channel 1 on the Bubblesound HEXa(s)r. The channels on this are normalized so a gate on channel 1 will trigger the rest. I adjusted the attack and release of each channel to have different envelopes. This module is connected (env out -> vca) via ribbon cable to its partner, the HEXvca, which has a post-filter output of each string as input. I then send the 'mix all' output to the Endorphines Milky way Flanger. The result is a rhythmic effect since each string has a different envelope length into the flanger. I am also outputting a mono signal of the guitar.
For control, I have a foot pedal connected to the Hex VCF master Freq, with the inverted CV going into the master Res CV, so when the cutoff is lowered the resonance increases. I have the volume pot of the guitar controlling the rhythmic flanger volume. I also manually adjust the flanger parameters towards the end.
The Linnstrument is connected to Surge XT in the DAW.
You can find this same track on Soundcloud.