After many hours of experimentation, I must say that the Poly Effects Hector is not recommended for hexaphonic guitar processing. Sadly, it simply does not have enough inputs! With all 6 inputs occupied by the string signals, there is only one option left to introduce modulation CVs for the various effects, namely MIDI in.
Unfortunately the MIDI handling is buggy at best; Hector locked up several times when faced with 6 MIDI CC inputs. This also requires a CV-MIDI module if one is to use various Eurorack modulation sources. All in all a very disappointing experience.
Other concerns include lack of switches to enable quick effects bypass and no ability to cycle through presets. Some effects result in high CPU demand and it becomes impossible to use 6 of them in parallel.
The good news? Hector would be fine for stereo processing and the end of the system chain, with 4 inputs dedicated to modulation control. Now what can I put in its place?
I saw Poly Effects Hector as a innovative module and like the premise; however, too many reviews have commented on the underwhelming processing power of the module and crashes. This may be a good start for a new module line; but. Poly Effects needs to put in a more powerful processor to be able to handle everything it is supposed to be designed for and as mentioned, more inputs, better MIDI handling, etc. This is a bit pricy for a module that seems to have defects as implemented currently. Great idea ... more work needed.
That sort of issue has lead me to my current approach, which is to avoid full 6-string processing for effects, and rather add effects at the sub-mix or group mix level. When I was gigging with MIDI guitar, I hacked together a method to merge all the MIDI CC, re-channel and send to a single MIDI channel for effects control, so effectively I was sending pitch/gate on 6 channels and mod/velocity sorts of info on a 7th channel to controller FX. That's why I like CV better these days, but 6x for some stuff is just too much cash. and HP.