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Performing with the SynQuaNon Demo System

cj mcgregor

While spending some time with the Demo System, I wanted to explore setting up a patch in which I could perform and have the ability to create a few different sections of varied sounds on the fly. I am using the Cycfi Thor guitar with the infinity string sustainer. 2 stereo outs are going directly into my DAW with no other processing.

Output 1

Providing the non rhythmic guitar sound. Hex fuzz, VCF, VCA go into the panner with the bottom 3 and top 3 strings hard panned to opposite sides. Envelope follower for 6th string goes into 6th string VCF freq CV to create a single string auto-wah.

Output 2

The rhythmic sound for this track and also the main method I'm creating variations. It's acting as a sequenced effect send for the 6 strings. The guitar's sustainer is a key piece to this as you can hold down chords and keep the rhythms going. The Hex VCF outs are going into the HEXasr/vca which is then being triggered by the 6 voice Knit Rider sequencer.

The Mix All from the HEXvca (all strings) is being sent to the Milky Way delay input 1. I'm also sending Mix 1-3 (high strings) into a low pass gate triggered by ochd LFO into the Digitank reverb and then into Milk Way input 2 (this adds some additional washed out textures). Lastly, HexASR mix 4-6 goes to ochd LFO cv fully negative (holds the value of the LFO when ASR is on).


I create different sections by enabling/disabling the voices of the Knit Rider sequencer. In the final section, the sequencer is turned off and I am manually triggering the gate of each voice to send it into the Milk Way delay.


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