I've re-arranged the modules in the Studio case based on experimental results to date. A truly advantageous feature of Eurorack modular systems is the ease with which this can be done; re-arranging a guitar pedal board is something I've often done, but that's not nearly as easy. Re-arranging the building blocks of a BOSS/Roland guitar synth is close to impossible.
Here's what the ModularGrid layout of the new Studio case looks like:

Guitar Signal Chain:
19-Pin Input Breakout > 7-Channel Amplifier-Attenuator > (3) WMD MSCL Stereo Compressors > (3) knob.farm Ferry 2-Channel Send/Return > Hex Bypass > Hex Fuzz > (2) Takaab 3AT Triple Passive Attenuators > (3) WMD AXYS 2-Channel Cross-faders > Hex VCF > Hex VCA > Befaco HexMix 6-Channel Mixer > Stereo Output
Where possible the guitar signal connections are made via the SynQuaNon Audio Bus on the rear of the modules. These bus connections are normaled to the front panel jacks and can be overridden by inserting patch cables.
The blank panel after the 7-Channel Amplifier/Attenuator on the top row is a placeholder for a future Boost & EQ module. The Hex Bypass is wired via bus connections to the Hex Fuzz. The 3AT Attenuators are used to match the Hex Fuzz output levels with those of the 7-Channel Amplifier/Attenuator, both of which are cross-faded with the WMD AXYS modules.
The 13-Pin Input Breakout on the second row can be patched in instead of the 19-Pin Breakout + 7-Channel Amplifier-Attenuator. Also on this row is the Poly Effects Hector 6-in, 8-out effects processor which can be patched in at any point in the guitar signal chain.
Any type of external effect can be patched into any part of the 6 signal chains via the knob.farm Ferry Send/Return modules, including DAW-based plugins, rackmount effects, and guitar pedal boards.
A Hex EF-Gate-Trigger, Bubblesound HEXa(s)r Envelope Generator, Tesseract 6-Channel Function Generator, Acid Rain Technology Maestro 6-Channel Clocked Modulation Controller, and Instruo øchd 8-Channel LFO are the main modulation sources, all capable of modulating each string channel separately. A Tesseract Polar8 8-Channel Attenuator/Attenuverter comes in handy for controlling CV levels and polarity.
At the lower left are a Synthrotek-MST Expressor Dual Expression Pedal input and Intellijel Planar2 Recordable CV Joystick for foot and manual CV control.
Finally, a Mordax DATA 4-Channel Oscilloscope (and much more!) is essential for viewing and calibrating audio or CV signals.
Further experimentation with the new Studio Case configuration will be of great importance in defining the design requirements for future SynQuaNon modules. Stay tuned!